1 (949) 888-8543

RPM Products - a World Class, Global Supplier of Rubber, Plastic, & Metal Products.
Rubber stock processes include custom rubber mixing, molding, extruding, die cut & lathe cutting. Parts include O-Rings, dense and sponge molded parts, gaskets, washers, & stampings. Standard & custom sizes and compounds.
Plastic stock processes include injection molding, extruding, blow molding, die cutting, and plating. Parts include, washers, gaskets, tubing, custom extruded profiles, tubing, fasteners, nuts, bolts, screws, fittings, etc. Standard & custom.
Metal processes include stampings, cold head forming, screw machined, extruding, etc. Parts include stampings, washers, hardware, s-hooks, screws, hex nuts, wing nuts, bolts, chain, hooks, hog rings, clips in steel, brass and copper.
Plumbing Parts, we stock thousands of Rubber, Plastic & Metal plumbing parts. Rubber washers, stoppers, gaskets & O-Rings. Plastic molded parts. Metal nipples, stems, screw machined parts, stampings, castings. New Catalog Available Now.
RPM Products, Inc.
23201 Antonio Parkway
Rancho St. Marg, CA 92688
Phone: 949-888-8543
FAX: 949-888-8544